Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Mindfulness without compassion

Mindfulness without compassion runs the risk of becoming focused egoism. Call it "self-righteousness syndrome", if you will.

"Mindfulness is both fully embodied and relational. In other words mindfulness is a fundamental practice for getting in touch with our true selves. That true self or true nature is fully embodied. In other words, it doesn’t just exist in our conscious thinking minds; it encompasses our full being including our somatic awareness, gut, heart and breath. But this must also extend beyond our bodies to others to achieve its full significance. In this way what arises out of mindfulness is what matters the most. This is the relational part. So mindfulness fully realised is not just within us, but also between us."

The spiritual aspects of mindfulness through an evidence-based lens

*P.S. You guys, this website has free mindfulness colouring sheets. Whoop.

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