Tuesday, May 9, 2017

There be Monsters

My 5 year old daughter has been having a rough time lately, at times. Both of my girls have had dreams that have woken them since they were toddlers; my 2 year old talks in her sleep when she's dreaming. Tonight (this morning) my 5 year old woke up and called out for me with soft whimpers. When I got to her she said she had a bad dream, and when I asked her what the dream was about, she said there was a monster. (Funnily enough I had been dreaming that I was trying to get my toddler to sleep and my mother was walking around the room inspecting something - tea bags or nails or something - and I was getting frustrated and snapping at her that they were just tea bags - or whatever - and to please stop talking when I was getting my 2 year old to sleep) So, I snuggled down with my arm around my 5 year old, and I kissed my fingers and rubbed them into her forehead and told her "I just pushed a kiss into your dream center. If you see another monster, you tell them who your mommy is and show them the kiss, and they'll run away afraid, for I am powerful in dreams." and she nodded and hugged herself around me for a while. Then she sleepily told me I could go back to sleep (didn't! yay...) and told me she loved me and she was going to have a good night now.

I figure I'll do a song dedication towards myself, at this point, which plays on multiple levels. I'm wide awake mentally, spiritually, and emotionally for the first time in almost a decade, and I'm also wide awake when I don't have to be because I have to defend my children in their dreams. :) Sometimes you have to walk through more than one labyrinth.

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