I spent some time at the grocery store today finding dietary suggestions for Kapha-Vata Dosha aspects. Per the recent universal smilings upon me, much of what I sought (rice, baked apples, greek yogurt) was on sale.
Jennifer brought over mead and pomegranates for our viewing of American Gods' first episode tonight. Visually stunning and the Bilquis scene was well-done. I do prefer some of the book's scenes, but I'm also very entertained by the bent of the tv show. Looking forward to the next episode.
I had a great walk today at lunch. It was magnificent. It was beautiful outside, and I meandered around listening to Little, Big, and taking pictures of what I saw as pleasing to my eye and mind and spirit. It's been a long time since I did that, and I found a great little punk shrubbery friend. One thing I was thinking about as I walked, was how upset my husband gets when he hears people talk about how much they hate this place. He constantly affirms that this city is what you make of it, that it's all in your perception of it. And he's right about that. What I don't understand is how he can be so understanding and adamant about the affect of perception on this city, but cannot apply this same concept to much of our daily life that seems to frustrate him. Perhaps it's because the city can become what he perceives it to be without any resistance or failure? I'm not sure.
Here's how I saw today:

Jennifer brought over mead and pomegranates for our viewing of American Gods' first episode tonight. Visually stunning and the Bilquis scene was well-done. I do prefer some of the book's scenes, but I'm also very entertained by the bent of the tv show. Looking forward to the next episode.
I had a great walk today at lunch. It was magnificent. It was beautiful outside, and I meandered around listening to Little, Big, and taking pictures of what I saw as pleasing to my eye and mind and spirit. It's been a long time since I did that, and I found a great little punk shrubbery friend. One thing I was thinking about as I walked, was how upset my husband gets when he hears people talk about how much they hate this place. He constantly affirms that this city is what you make of it, that it's all in your perception of it. And he's right about that. What I don't understand is how he can be so understanding and adamant about the affect of perception on this city, but cannot apply this same concept to much of our daily life that seems to frustrate him. Perhaps it's because the city can become what he perceives it to be without any resistance or failure? I'm not sure.
Here's how I saw today:

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