Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Frog Squats are the Devil

They are. But I'm building up 5 at a time, every day or two. 108 here I come! I did a 10 minute arcline clearing this morning and this is the best I've felt before work since I used to live alone and do yoga and meditation for an hour each morning. I'm so grateful my friend gifted this Sadhana class to me. There's so much stuff I've been clearing out and bringing back to life. So much baggage I've needed to let go of and throw in the river of memory to sink, and so many new trappings that I've needed the strength to shrug off. It's wonderful.

I've been doing some additional research into Ayurveda and will catch up with photos of my vision board, my Venus readings, and the rest of the etcetera at a later date. Possibly tomorrow night, as I need to work on consolidating my Sadhana information into its own notebook for easy perusal. No more seminars for a couple of weeks!

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