Financial stress is the worst. In fact, I can say that, across the board, things would improve by 100% if I wasn't laboring under the financial burden that I am.
I better not owe any taxes this year, because I figure that whatever color you're supposed to be "in" (i.e. red or black)...I'm in the opposite one of that.
I am excited, however, about getting my certificate of completion of the paralegal's workers' comp course and expanding my business out to those kinds of files. Then I'll get some personal injury and some family law courses and I'll be much better rounded. Real Estate can remain the expertise, but it's much too volatile a marketplace to depend on it. That, and I have too much debt to pay off to wait statically for it to rebound. We need to move so Doodlebug has a yard to play in and I won't be worried about drive-bys.
So send good profit thoughts my way, light an abundance or prosperity candle for me. Let's have a party for the dollar...or rather, not the dollar, but a party for the work that will earn the dollar.